Allen-Villere Partners is a transaction-oriented private investment banking and consulting services firm focusing on the ready-mixed concrete, aggregate and construction materials industries. We invite you to contact any one of our many clients for a recommendation or information regarding the services we can provide for your firm.

“…we needed experts to help us all understand the value proposition and guide us through the sale process.
“When it came time to consolidate interests in the family business, we knew the discussions would be sensitive. As a third-generation family business with multiple stakeholders, we needed experts to help us all understand the value proposition and guide us through the sale process. We had no idea a sale within the family could be so complicated, and Allen-Villere Partners made it easy for us. We could never have done it without their skilled negotiations and guidance.”

“After being approached by buyers interested in one of our aggregate quarries, we needed advisors with specific industry expertise to evaluate and negotiate the sale. Allen-Villere Partners obtained top dollar for our quarry and did a terrific job leading the negotiations and sale process. We will be using them again for our other properties.”

“When I was forced into litigation to protect my property rights, I turned to the firm with the best reputation in the industry. Their expert testimony was a critical factor in my success. There is no one more knowledgeable and more credible than Allen-Villere Partners, to whom I owe a big part of my historic win.”
- A&A Ready Mix
- A. T. Kearney
- Action Supply
- Adams County
- Advance Ready Mix
- Alabama Concrete Co.
- All-Rite
- Altaview Concrete, Inc.
- American Materials Group
- American Ready Mix
- American Transit Mix
- Angelle Concrete, Inc.
- Arrowhead Concrete
- Arps Red- E- Mix
- Associated Ready Mix
- Auburn Concrete
- Baja Contractors
- Batavia Concrete, Inc.
- Beelman Ready Mix, Inc.
- Bend Industries
- Best Redi-Mix
- Betty Ford Clinic
- Billy T. Bob’s Concrete
- Blager Concrete Company
- Blue Circle West, Inc.
- Blue Circle, Inc.
- BMH Systems
- Boston Sand & Gravel Co.
- Brothers Concrete
- Buffalo Concrete Co.
- Builders Choice Concrete LLC
- Burton’s Ready Mix
- CALX Resources
- Cantera Dorado
- Capital Aggregates
- Carolina Aggregates
- Carolina Ready Mix
- Carlo Ditta
- Carrier Concrete
- Cementos Del Caribe, S.A.
- Cemstone
- Central Concrete Supermix
- Certified Concrete
- Certified/Transit Ready-Mix
- Champaign Builders Supply
- Chandler Concrete Co.
- Charles Barger & Sons
- City Concrete Co.
- Columbia Quarry Company
- Commercial Ready-Mix Products, Inc.
- Concrete Express
- Concrete Supply
- Consolidated Concrete Co.
- Constellations Holdings, Inc
- Cordova Concrete
- Corliss Resources
- Creekview Ranch
- Creter Vault
- Crookshank Ready Mix
- CSR (Southern Aggregates)
- Culpeper Stone
- Cumberland Concrete
- Cunningham Realty
- Davon
- Delaware Valley Concrete
- Desoto Ready-Mix (LSI)
- Dolese Bros.
- Dubrook LLC
- Dunham Price, Inc
- E. A. Wilson Co.
- E. L. Gardner, Inc.
- E. Tetz & Sons
- Eagle Ready Mix
- Edwards Ready Mix
- Empire State C&A Assoc.
- Empresas Master
- Empresas Terrassa
- Falcon Materials
- Faulkville Quarry
- Fred Weber, Inc.
- FMC Corporation
- Fourth Street Rock
- Frontier Precast
- Ft. McDowell Yavapai Materials
- F.W. Loden
- Gassaway Ready Mix
- Geiger Ready Mix
- Genstar
- Gerhold Industries
- Gilliam-Lowery
- Goose Bay Aggregates
- Grace Construction Products
- Granite Contracting
- Greco Bros. Concrete
- H&H Solutions
- Hanson Building Material America
- Hanson, Bjork & Russell, LLP
- Hart Corporation
- Heavy Materials, LLC
- Herbert Hinchman & Sons
- Hessit Works
- Hilltop Basic Resources
- Holliday Rock Co., Inc.
- Horizon Concrete
- House Springs Quarry
- Houser Concrete Co.
- Inland Materials
- J. D. Irving Ltd.
- J. H. McNamara
- JJ Kennedy, Inc.
- John A. Denies Sons
- Johnston-Stewart-Johnston
- Keys Concrete Industries
- Koenig Fuel & Supply
- L&S Industries
- Lacy Construction Co.
- Lawrence Ready-Mix
- Liberty Ready Mix
- Loizeaux Builders Supply
- Lone Star Industries
- Long Term Credit Bank of Japan
- Magnum Materials
- Maricopa Ready Mix
- Marshall Concrete
- Maryland Portable Concrete
- McCarthy Dunn & Assoc.
- McDermitt, Inc.
- Meadow Valley Sand
- Mellon Bank
- Memphis Ready-Mix Association
- Metro Mix
- Michigan Foundation Co.
- Mission Ready-Mix
- Mississippi Sand
- Mitsubishi Cement Corp
- MMC Materials, Inc.
- Moraine Materials
- Nodine Ready Mix
- North Georgia Ready Mix
- OK Concrete Company
- Olen Corp
- Olive Branch Ready Mix
- Otay Valley Quarry LLC
- Owl Rock Industries
- P.W. Gillibrand Co.
- Pannell Kerr Forester
- Paragon Partners
- Paramount Ready Mix
- Perry Pines
- Peterman Concrete
- Pine Companies
- Pioneer Ready Mix
- Prairie Materials
- PRM Concrete
- Raia Industries (Blue Circle)
- Ranch Capital
- Ready Mixed Concrete Co.
- Rinker Materials
- Robert L Elliott
- Robert Oldham
- Robertsons Ready Mix
- Rock “n” Ready Mix
- Rogers Group
- Rogers Ready Mix & Materials
- Russ Concrete
- Scancem Industries
- Service Rock Products
- Shaffer Block
- Shamrock Materials
- Sheesley Supply Co.
- Silver Hills Concrete Co.
- Sky Ute Sand & Gravel
- Smith’s Ready Mix
- Southdown
- Southern Ready Mix
- Spartin Minerals Corp.
- Suncrete Ready-Mix Concrete
- Superior Minerals
- Superior Ready Mix
- Talley Brothers
- Terminal Ready Mix
- Terrebonne Concrete, LLC
- Tennessee Ready-Mix Association
- Texsand Silica
- Thelen Sand & Gravel
- Troesh Ready Mix
- Turnbull Concrete
- United Materials, LLC
- U.S. Concrete
- V&W Ready Mix
- Valley Concrete
- Valley Transit Materials
- Valuation Research
- Vineland Group
- Votorantim
- Vulcan Materials
- W.G. Block
- Walker Concrete Co.
- White Mountain Companies
- Wille Brothers
- Williams Bros. (Blue Circle)
- WL Ross
- Woody Loden
- Wyoming Industries